Budget calculator
Answer the questions below as best you can - the more detail you can provide the more accurate your calculations will be. Remember to give details of your income after tax and on a monthly, weekly or annual basis.
It looks like we're missing some content. Please make sure that you have entered both your income and any outgoing costs into the Budget Calculator.
1. Income
Please give details of any income you have, including salary, welfare benefits or Universal Credit.
Please detail monthly figures, after tax has been deducted. If there's any income that we've not included in the categories here, you can add it at the bottom.
2. Household & Living Costs
Please detail your monthly household and living costs. If there's anything that we've not included in the categories here, you can add it at the bottom.
Try to be as accurate as possible. It may be helpful to refer to your bank statements, if you have any.
3. Insurance & Finances
Please detail your monthly insurance and finance costs. If there's anything that we've not included in the categories here, you can add it at the bottom.
4. Family & Friends
Please detail monthly costs associated with your children and family. If there's anything that we've not included in the categories here, you can add it at the bottom.
5. Travel & Leisure
Please detail monthly costs associated with your children and family. If there's anything that we've not included in the categories here, you can add it at the bottom.
6. Your Guidance
Please detail monthly costs associated with your children and family. If there's anything that we've not included in the categories here, you can add it at the bottom.
Annual Budget Breakdown (after tax)
= -£0
= -£0
Left Over
= -£0
Household & Living Costs
Insurance & Finances
Family & Friends
Travel & Leisure
Left Over Income
Based on the information you've given us...
You may have some money left over each month.
Great news! You appear to be managing your money. If you have not already done so, think about seeking advice on savings and investments to make the most of any money you have left over each month. The Money Advice Service offers free impartial advice on this subject and is a good place to start.
You are saving £ annually.
You may be spending a bit more than you are earning.
It looks like you are spending a little more than you are earning. Check out our information on how to save money on your household bills; you could make the savings you need this way.
Also, look at your outgoings line-by-line. Try to identify essential and non-essential expenses, i.e. rent is obviously an essential expense, but maybe you could reduce the amount you spend on eating out or entertainment? If you are only spending on essential items and feel like your money worries are getting out of control, you can contact our Money Advice team for a confidential chat.
You are in a deficit of £ annually.
You may be spending a bit more than you are earning.
You are spending more than you are earning and need to make some changes. We would also encourage you to seek advice from a money and debt advice service as soon as possible. It is vital that you act quickly to sort out any debts you have. They are much easier to sort out if you catch them quickly. Look at our page on Debt Advice for details of organisations that can help you.