Customer testimonials

We are continuously working to find ways to communicate and listen to what our residents think about our services, colleagues and properties.
See below some of our customers’ testimonials.

Meet Valerie

Valerie is a resident of a Johnnie Johnson Housing property. She is always happy to get involved in communications events including workshops and seminars.

Meet John

Johnnie Johnson Housing resident John shares his story. He explains how he uses the online resident portal to report repairs and stay up to date.

Meet Sharon

Sharon is a resident of a Johnnie Johnson Housing property.
In this short video she shares her story and explains why she attended the recent annual conference in York.

Living longer, living better

We’re a housing provider you can trust. With over 50 years of experience, we really are the market leaders when it comes to independent living. Our approach to independent living is to ensure we help our older customers ‘live longer, live better’ which simply means helping you to age well and live independently for longer.

95% of our residents love where they live.