Land opportunities & acquisition

We are not simply a provider of homes; we form part of communities and invest for the long term, working with residents to ensure they truly love where they live.

Our approach to the planning, design, and management of projects focuses on maximising the potential of local communities, with the intention of creating homes that promote people’s health, happiness, and wellbeing. We want to be ‘market-making’ and provide outstanding homes and services to our customers both now and in the future.

Great design is changing the way we live and the places we live in, making lives better by building happier, healthier, and safer environments. It can bring communities together and transform our lifestyles for the better.

We are always keen to hear about new land opportunities, particularly in the North West, North East, Yorkshire, and Derbyshire. Working in partnership is one of our strengths and as we move forward with ambitious land acquisition and development plans, we want to ensure we are working with the best partners.

Do you have an opportunity?

If you have land opportunities that you would like to discuss with the team in more detail, please complete the form below and we will be in touch.

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Looking for our new developments?

Looking for our new developments?

We have big plans for developing homes for all requirements.

Find out more


new homes for rent, affordable home ownership, and sale by 2031/32



current on-site units with the aim to be on-site with a further 83 by the end of March 2021



of our homes will be for the independent living market, enabling older residents to live longer and live better, in modern homes that they love